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About us


Village Manchester Football Club is a not-for-profit club run by volunteers for the benefit of its members. 


Village Manchester FC is an amateur, "not for profit" football club and therefore relies on players to contribute a small amount each month or game to help pay towards various expenses like training facilities, pitch hire, kit, league fees, insurance and essential equipment.


Your first two training sessions or matches are free. After that, player subscriptions need to be paid at the beginning of each month or you can pay per match or training session. Payments can be by standing order, credit or debit card, or bank transfer. Standing order is our preferred method. Cash is not accepted.


We also manage a savings plan to help save for our overseas trips.

Support us

The club has non-players who support in a number of ways - first aid, "water boys", photography, web design, writing match reports, WAGs and of course just turning up to watch (and shout!) from the side. It's free to attend matches - please come and support us. 


Check out the fixtures page for forthcoming games and the venues pages for maps. 


As a voluntary organisation, we would be very grateful if you were able to make a donation. 


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The First, Second and Third Teams play in the Lancashire and Cheshire League. We joined in 2016, having played in the Manchester Accountants League for nearly two decades. They play every Saturday afternoon; home games are at the Trinity Sports Centre or Manchester Academy High School and away games are across Greater Manchester. Matches are usually at 2pm. They also take part in Manchester FA's County Cups.


The Fourth Team plays in the GFSN (Gay Football Supporters' Network) League, with away games across the UK. 


The Fifth and Sixth Teams play regular friendlies.  


The club also plays in the national Gay Football Supporters' Network Cup and various inclusive tournaments, including the annual GFSN summer tournament, an event we've hosted four times. VMFC has won the GFSN Cup a record five times. 


During most summers we go overseas to take part in a tournament. 


We believe that the best way to campaign against homophobia and other discrimination is to play well on the pitch and win games. However, we are also a campaigning club. 


  • Each August bank holiday, we mark Manchester Pride by taking part in the amazing parade through the streets of Manchester with tens of thousands of onlookers. New players always say it’s an incredible experience. We also take part in various “sporting” events organised by kit sponsors Via and New York New York, and generally treat the occasion as a massive social. 

  • In the autumn, we participate in the Rainbow Laces campaign, organised by the equality charity Stonewall, to promote inclusiveness in sport. 

  • February is Football Versus Homophobia month and we dedicate a game per team to the campaign, to rid football of discrimination. 

  • We often support the local community and have raised thousands of pounds for charity

How much you get involved in addition to playing football is entirely up to you!

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Code of Conduct

In playing for, managing or helping to run Village Manchester Football Club, you agree to abide by the FA Respect Code of Conduct and the rules set out in the VMFC Constitution.

In particular, you agree to:

  • Respect the referee and other officials

  • Respect your team managers and follow their instructions

  • Respect the opposition

  • Respect your own teammates

Equality and diversity are of paramount importance. Football belongs to, and should be enjoyed by, everyone equally. VMFC’s commitment is to eliminate discrimination and to encourage equal opportunities. Our standards and values apply throughout the Club at every level. 

Poor behaviour on the pitch or in the changing room will not be tolerated. Team managers are responsible for all team matters. The Club expects all players to maintain the spirit of the game and act in a sporting manner at all times. 

Finances: in becoming a member of VMFC, you agree to pay membership fees when due and any fines imposed by the Club or FA. You agree to pay any debts owed to the Club. Those who owe money to VMFC are not permitted to train or play. 


Village Manchester Football Club is a non-profit making club run for the benefit of its members by a committee of volunteers. 


VMFC is registered as a CASC (Community Amateur Sports Club) with HMRC. 


Download the Club's Constitution (rule book) here. All players, managers and supporters are required to adhere to the Constitution. 


Supported by: 

Principal sponsor:

Via Canal Street Manchester

Affiliated to:

Lancashire and Cheshire Amateur Football League
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IGLFA International Gay and Lesbian Football Association
Manchester County FA Football Association
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GFSN Gay Football Supporters Network
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