Player subs and savings plan
Each month there are essential outgoings including pitch fees for matches and training, referee and coach fees, insurance costs and league fees. In addition there are large one-off costs such as new kit.
Subs are the lifeblood of Village Manchester Football Club. Our incoming subs only just cover our outgoing monthly costs. That's why it's essential that all players contribute their fair share, and do so over the entire year - there's no break when we're out of season!
We welcome new players to training and your first month is free. We hope you enjoy the training and want to come back each week and join the club.
Subs must be paid for the whole month up-front. This can be by standing order, credit/debit card via PayPal or cash at the month's first training session.
The subs amounts are:
VMFC's savings plan
In most years we organise an overseas trip to play in an international tournament. A list of past trips can be found here. The club tries to subsidise these trips out of sponsorship but we can't pay for the whole trip - there are still costs to players and we usually leave arranging transport to you.
To help you out, we have a savings plan available to all players who pay their monthly subs by standing order. You simply add any amount you like to your monthly payment. We suggest at least £10. This is your money. When you decide to go on a VMFC trip, it can be used to pay towards your personal costs. If you don't go on a trip, you can have it back at any time. Our treasurer will keep a record of everyone's individual payments to their personal savings plan.
Standing order
If you have online banking, you should be able to set up a monthly standing order direct. Use the following details:
Account name: Village Manchester Football Club
Account number: 30393185
Sort code: 20-55-59
Reference: your name
If you don't have online banking, download this form and return to your bank:
You will need to continue to pay cash until your standing order activates.
Thank you - paying your subs on a regular basis is what makes this club possible.
Pay by credit or debit card
You can pay monthly or per session by credit or debit card as we have a card reader we bring along, as long as we remember it!