VMFC Manager Speaks on BBC 5 Live
2 February 2012
Village Manchester Football Club first team manager, Antony Lockley, was on BBC 5 Live this morning to take part in a debate on homophobia in football.
Nicky Campbell hosted the debate on February 2nd at 9am in a show also featuring the GFSN's Chris Basiurski, Rugby Union referee Nigel Owens and Simone Pound from the PFA.
The show certainly featured a wide arrange of opinions but Antony was at pains to point out that VMFC plays a strong part in combating homophobia by simply playing football in local Sunday leagues and dispelling stereotypes:
"We've interacted and made good relationships with all of the straight teams we've played over the years".
It was a similar line to comments made to Sky Sports when they travelled down to see VMFC's match the previous weekend for a piece due to air later this month.
*This edition is no longer available on the BBC iPlayer.